

The main component of AestheFill is PDLLA. It is the unique combination of D- and L-lactide that provides the porous structure of microspheres, giving uniform collagen production. Round PDLLA particles, due to their spherical shape, provide a high degree of safety and reliability, confirmed by clinical trials and approved by the FDA.

The spherical shape of the particles provides a high percentage of fibroblast production for the formation of new collagen. The collagen AestheFill produces is type I collagen, which constitutes 90% of our body collagen.

The effects of AestheFill are:

  • Skin tightening
  • Replenishment of natural volume
  • Restoration of contours lost with age
  • Successfully used for the treatment of scars, including post-acne

Multiple sessions of injection may be required for better contouring.

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