Derma Veil

Derma Veil 得美顏(又稱第二代童顏針)使用獨特專利3R微分子膠原技術,結合聚左乳酸(PLLA)及天然甘醇酸,激發膠原蛋白及纖維母細胞增生。膠原增生效果短至4至8星期便可見效,並長效持久至24個月。




Derma Veil is composed of PLLA and glycolic acid. It stimulates body’s own collagen growth upon injection of Derma Veil into the skin. Collagen growth takes time, it can be seen at 4-8 weeks and effects may last up to 24 months.

Multiple sessions of injection are required to achieve optimal collagen production for face contouring. With the presence of glycolic acid, skin quality is improved with refined skin pores and better skin elasticity. Cutaneous thickness is gradually improved.

Massage to injected areas after injection is required to facilitate collagen production.

Please refer to the Chinese version of our website for a more detailed descriptions.

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